Mists swirled in the darkness and drum beats pounded in the distance. The night was alive with flickering torches, and fires. Singing, laughter and random silliness abound. It was a different world. Someplace beyond imagining and yet it was real and I was there. Pennsic in the daylight is a place if wonder at night it turns into a place beyond belief.
We arrived about mid-day on Saturday only to sit in the blazing sun for an hour waiting our turn to drive forward and wait another 45 minutes in line to check in. Then the real fun began. We set up camp in a flat barren field that a day later would be an entire city of small encampments with tents, pavilions, showers, kitchens, armor stands, and common areas. Every where people worked to create their home for the next two weeks. Before my eyes an new world unfolded like a beautiful butterfly emerging from her gray cocoon. Banners and flags, medieval heraldry and thousands of people dressed in period garb.
For two weeks the folks of our fair shire cooked, cleaned and laughed and worked together. We started out as good friends and ended as a close family. We fed royalty, sang songs, told stories and shared much. We went to classes and fought for our kingdom on the battle field. We spent time with old friends and made many of new ones.
The days were hot and the nights cool, sometimes even cold. I laughed and sang more than I thought possible. When it was time for good byes I wept bitter tears. Words can't describe the roller coasters I rode, the feelings I felt. By the final Sunday the tents were gone and we were packed to head home. The magic had faded but I know it will be back next year. And God willing I will be there to live it all again.
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